There Were Times When …

Great Day, Y’all!  And a Happy Friday to you!  Keep that gratitude in my attitude with a simple TGIF.  A simple KISS will do … Keep It Simple, Stupid!  Yeah, Y’all!

Don’t you love those “remembrance” stories that some people like to spin … when you tell yours?  Now, I don’t often brag, but I can fend for myself.  Yet, I am the kind of person who will continue to comment on “life” even when it’s all messed up!  That’s how I’ve gotten through some tough times in my life.  Keep in mind that I share MY stories in hopes that it rings true for others interested in maintaining a level of excellence in their lives.  Of course, everybody is a dreamer.  Yet, the dreams should be close to reality, not some far-fetched story of how an election was stolen.  Every time I think about how long the USA has been babysitting #45, it angers me!  How can some Americans be so ignorant!!

Yet, if we review the world … our personal worlds … we can see that some people don’t care if they are living a lie.  Those people just want to rebel and go against something … anything … a black, a Jewish person, a woman, even a child, or a senior citizen.  Those people want to judge something as long as it isn’t THEMSELVES.  One can never find a solution if one gets caught up in defending the indefensible.  How low will you go?  #45’s followers were outside of Fulton County Courthouse yesterday with signs still saying “Trump Won!” …  Where are these mofos from … freakin’ Disney Land or someplace fictional?!?   Can you say “Dumb Americans”?!?  The whole world is watching as the US Government continues to be a reality TV show starring the worst protagonist EVER.  How can one snap out of this cycle of depravity … where wrong has become right and lies become truth?!  There was even a big a$$ sign that read: “Trump or Death – 1776 to 2024” or something ridiculous!  Are some American people prone to believing a plain old lie …. which requires one to believe more lies to support the main hideous intangible lie?  Are these the descendants of the original settlers in Georgia who came from many of Europe’s prisons to populate and steal the land from the Natives?  They sure act pretty dumb!

Over my lifetime, I have had so many encounters that shocked me with the level of stupidity and hatred that some people embrace and display that I have become almost numb to the behavior displayed.  If someone verbally attacks me, I wait for the universe to show me how to respond in a much more elevated manner.  Over the years, I have protected that elevated level in an effort not to fall prey to someone’s stupidity.  I’ve learned NOT to “over-react” but to “march in place” so to speak to keep my OWN rhythm in my head … in my heart … in my life, until the universe or higher power instructs me.  Trust me, this requires skills that no one can teach you except “life”.  So, pay close attention to being the best that you can be.  It may be possible to find people whom I’ve encountered who weren’t impressed with my level of excellence and professionalism.  You may find people who aren’t impressed with my tenacity.  But those people are few and far between!  I continue to employ that ambition that Big Ike planted in me with his parenting skills.  Often when I looked into his eyes, I could see the pain that he had experienced etched across his face as he sought to guide me in my journey.  I have been in multiple self-help programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.  I’ve attended different churches in my search for answers and have even done so in different cities and countries when I had to.  I NEVER want to fail … I am always looking for the next opportunity to display grace and goodness that often lies deep within me near that scarred spiritual tissue.  I look for the next opportunity to learn something uplifting and new.  It comes out in my writing, in the way I carry myself, and even in the way I dress or wear my gear!  I’m expressing myself.  If it offends others … that I look so good and that I am so confident … I don’t apologize to anyone.  I have learned to love myself and that it is the greatest love of ALL!  I simply try to suggest in my writings that one may want to do the same … at least try it!

Of course, there were those times when I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it through a challenging situation.  I was doubly unsure of HOW I was going to make it through a situation.  Yet, each time I dug deep, through the pain and tears, I found the greatest love … inside of me!  I always try to learn and share good or new stuff, new ways of looking at challenges, and new methods of dealing with life’s challenges.  We ALL have them …  It’s YOUR choice, as well as mine, how we choose to deal with those challenges.  I’m not in competition with anyone (nor should you be) except myself …   Ponder that!

Life continues to unfold for me as I take charge of my projects, be it a new puppy, my physical workouts at the gym, my spiritual development and “Me time”, and my interactions with others.  I plan to continue to enjoy and embrace my journey!  Do YOU!

Tomorrow afternoon is the famous “Wolaba (Old Harbor, as Puerto Viejo was once called) Parade”!  I plan to witness the fine music of the Afro-Caribbean Culture and the ornate dresses and clothes worn by the local women, children, and men!  Blessings, Y’all!  Oh … and thanks for reading!


John I. Cook, Director

How Low Will They Go?

It’s another Friday on the calendar.  And I’m like in a holding pattern ever since I got my new puppy, “Mila”!  It just kind of happened … I didn’t have a plan but … TGIF, Y’all!

So, now in “the land of the free, home of the brave”, jurors who were selected for the Grand Jury in Fulton County Georgia are in fear for their safety!  Their names were listed on the indictment of #45 and it seems that some names, addresses, and photos have appeared on social media.  In another recent development, a woman from Texas was arrested after issuing a direct threat to Judge Tanya Chutkan who is scheduled to oversee the election interference trial against #45 in Washington, DC.  And it seems that this Texas woman said that they “have the judge in their sights” as well as anyone who seeks to hold #45 accountable for his illegal activities, and who tries to stop “it” from becoming president again.  It’s interesting how the issue of mental health is not addressed much when it comes to #45.  I have been suggesting, as well as MANY others, that #45 is NOT fit to serve as president of the States EVER!  I’ve always known like many New Yorkers who witnessed his father’s racist practices against people of color in his real estate empire there.  Some people don’t READ the news but only watch ignorant videos supporting this creature #45!  One student from the same military academy that #45 attended had this to say about “Dirty Donald”:

I had a friend who went to the same military academy, and for the same reason, he was undisciplined and his family wanted to get him some discipline. Trump was known as a lady’s man, arrogant, bragging about his wealth. He gave himself more importance than he had. He was no shining scholar. He liked to give orders. No one really liked him and it’s amazing that the usual people who love to say how they knew famous people back in school have not come out with those warm stories when it comes to Trump.

He’s the same as he ever was … and worse now that he has nearly half of a country supporting his “destructive efforts” in the States.  Now, not only do judges have to have heightened security while this monster faces nearly 100 charges, jurors have to receive protection as the “trumpsters” roam the countryside with hate in their hearts to help #45 appear good or normal!  Read that quote again from one of his schoolmates from the same military academy in New York!  I’ve received different reactions to my blog and have even had one person tell me that my writings were full of lies!  Then, why would a former student have this to say about me?

I remember you here…I want to say that although we never hung together that, whenever I saw you there was always a smile that put me and I assume others at ease. You also always spoke with the intelligence, charisma, and grace that you don’t see many young and older black men of this day having but, I admit there are many brothers that do have that swag but the image that is being presented today of our true brothers who prefer to identify themselves as black men and not nigs are just that nigs. What is pathetic is many of those images are being pushed by black and brown people who view themselves as nigs……. So thank you Mr. Cook for your continued teachings of who we should be….👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

As I seek to grow myself and my not-for-profit sole proprietorship known as Educational Excellence, I continue to seek to inspire people to “be the best that they can be” … not just exist.  Keep in mind, those who just want to “exist” can continue to do so.  You can do your business be it bongo playing or ukelele strumming.  But PLEASE leave me in peace to develop and continue my craft.  When I have former clients who think that I was and still am a pretty decent human being, “a hater” who just wants to exist has NOTHING that they can show or tell me!

Life in the States for African Americans has changed many times over time!  It’s something that you have to pay attention to and learn how to overcome the barriers placed in your path.  You can still be positive and seek to uphold the standards outlined in the American Dream which often comes as a nightmare for people of color.  Oh, and yes, I will continue writing and encouraging ALL HUMANS to be the best that they can be!  That’s what LIFE can be about for all of us …

Meanwhile back in Eastern Europe and some African nations, not to mention in Ecuador, Colombia, and even Mexico, “life” itself seems to be at a premium.  In closing, I will simply state that we can ALL be better at living together on the Planet regardless of our skin color!  Don’t let the negative people bring you down to their level.

Thank you for reading …


John I. Cook, Director

What’s Really Going On!!?

Hey Y’all!  It’s that time again!  Gratitude time … remember … being grateful for what we have … like LIFE?  See if you can be grateful, and thankful, in any number of ways to appreciate one’s own life!  TGIF for me!  Done deal!

As I scanned the most unstable situations today, I noticed drama everywhere.  Maui has experienced something kin to a climate change disaster.  Wait!  Don’t say that.  People don’t want to know how troubled OUR world is today.  Meanwhile, back at the Montgomery, AL Boat Yard, we see the froth of what is deep in the belly of a troubled America.  Just don’t say the “r” word, okay?  Just wait until it bubbles over into the streets of “America the Beautiful” into … well … don’t say civil war.  We don’t want to be upset by that, do we?  Please don’t mention “The Goon Squad” in Jackson, MS … someone might think that the land stolen from the Native Americans built on the backs of African slaves might be … oh yeah, only #45 can use the “r” word!  Horrifying!  Simply horrifying!  Oh, and don’t let the world know that a man from Utah wanted to assassinate President Biden and two African American district attorneys from New York and Georgia because he is an incensed Trumpster.  Keep it a secret that he had to be killed by Federal Agents who were protecting the life of the President in Utah.  It all looks fine right?  Nothing to see here … nothing to say!  Just keep our mouths shut and get ready to say “We don’t want this ever to happen again!”  Wash, rinse, repeat!

Let’s just wait until political candidates are shot dead in the streets … like in Quito, Ecuador!  But we’ll be too scared to say anything!  Can you see what’s really going on?  Like so many folks in Maui said, “We lost EVERYTHING!  Our homes, our cars, the boats, even our friends and pets!”  They didn’t realize that they were still talking … something only people who are alive can do.  Nothing to be grateful for … it’s just our lives that we still have!  It seems that money rules our greed and human depravity.  Money is no longer just “a means of exchanging goods and services”, it is now the GOAL of life!  I often remind folks that “I am not for everyone!”  I’m not trying to please everyone.  I’m trying to let the people who think like me know that they are not alone.  Perhaps “they” may be afraid to speak out.  I’m used to being attacked by ignorant, spineless people.  They think that I’m an easy target … because I speak up and maybe it’s because I’m a senior gentleman!  At this stage of my life, I’m not keeping ANYTHING inside.  Mofos have NO freakin’ idea what it takes to get where I am today!  I didn’t exactly plan it, but I roll with the punches, so to speak, and trust in the process that my positive vibrations set before me each day. Imagine telling a woman (or a man) not to say anything about having been raped!  Isn’t that blasphemous? It’s all a matter of perspective, right?  NOPE!  It’s a violation of one’s civil rights.

A good friend of mine sent me an article about the “MAGA Attraction” for some of my fellow Americans.  It is truly an accurate assessment of why the rich want to safeguard their accumulated wealth and positions of power AND those who fear “white replacement” as well as an increase in the population of minorities have joined MAGA.  We can’t get to the point where there are more minorities than white Americans, they think!  (Here is where some Americans get hooked on the idea of white nationalism!)  The article goes on to say that part of the MAGA movement consists of the broken-hearted “white” Americans whose dreams didn’t pan out and who want to destroy EVERYTHING … including themselves.  They don’t care anymore they just want to see stuff destroyed and to help do so if necessary.  Some don’t fear being killed as long as it is done with destructive drama.  You see African Americans continue to fight FOR America (and the world) because we’ve experienced that “broken dream” syndrome in America over and over again!  Enough for ALL of us already!  I grew up in the “come together” era and while we had to struggle, we “hippies” realized that we had some things in common like peace and brother/sisterhood.  If nothing more, let’s try to turn things around together and enjoy what’s left of the human experiences on Earth!

And if nobody told you today that they love you, I do …  Let’s do this!  Thank you for reading.


John I. Cook, Director

The Content of One’s Character

Happy Friday, my Friends and Comrades of Peace and Understanding!  So, you can already tell I’m about to get carried away with this piece!  But first, a word from my sponsor!  TGIF!!

Holding your own, exercising discipline, being self-confident, and such things require character.  And, no, I’m not talking about a fictitious character.  I’m talking about the “content” of who we are … who YOU are, perhaps, and who I’m trying to be!!  In this case, one’s character must be well-developed and balanced.  In other words, one has to be strong and resilient … like leather.  Imagine that within that leather, lies a spirit full of peace and love.  Why can’t some folks see it?  Perhaps, because “some people” aren’t looking for it and are too hate-filled to see it.  They may have a preconceived notion (prejudice) of who YOU are and who I am.  And clearly, they may not “know thyself” because those people seldom focus on themselves!  They look outside of themselves for comfort, friendship, and validation rather than cultivating a relationship with themselves and developing their character instead of being prescribed a “character”.

While the whole world is watching the outcome of multiple criminal felony charges against a former president, #45, we can witness people’s character.  #45 has called the professional prosecutor Jack Smith a “crackhead” and deranged.  Are we serious to even consider such a buffoon and prankster a viable candidate for the president of the States … again??  I mean seriously, Americans!

Thursday, #45 was arrested and arraigned in court in Washington, DC where Judge Tanya Chutkin will be in charge.  Can you imagine how this moron felt as he got arraigned Thursday not only by a woman but a woman of color?  I hope he remembers taking a photo with a baseball bat placed next to Alvin Bragg in New York!  I hope he also remembers those two African American women (mother-daughter) whom he and dumb a$$ “Booty Fooliani” (a real crackhead-looking creature!) accused of cheating in their jobs as election workers in Georgia.  Those women were afraid to leave their homes after that hideous story was generated by the scrump team!  Some people have NO content in their character and couldn’t tell the truth if they were paid to do so.  In other words, it’s time for #45 to face his own music that he created with the lie that Pres. Biden is NOT the real winner of the election against filthy Donald.  There will be two other people in charge this time – Mr. Jack Smith and Judge Tanya Chutkin!  Let’s get ready to watch the roast.  I am glad to see how this judge who was born in Jamaica has the fate of being so well prepared that she, too, rose through the ranks of lawyers to prepare herself to judge the biggest container of human crap … EVER!   Can’t you hear it?  “LOCK HIM UP!”

You see when you keep dealing dirty as “Dirty Donald” has been doing, you WILL get yours.  Don’t deal dirty and don’t mess over people, states, or even one’s OWN country, to which he has NO allegiance. His desperate legal team is trying to push a new false narrative as his defense!  This time, they are trying to sell the world on the fabrication that lying to everyone, including the FBI, is protected by the first amendment.  “And away we go!”

Hold on to your seats to watch what is hopefully the end of the biggest bs. reality show the world has ever seen!  Enjoy your day, wise up if you are an incessant liar because YOUR day WILL come!  Be the best version of yourself that you can be.  This, in and of itself, requires maturity, honesty, and love for one another!

Thank you for reading!


John I. Cook, Director